Coping with the death of a loved one is undoubtedly one of the toughest challenges in life. It can leave us feeling lost, and the process of healing often takes a significant amount of time. The emotional, mental, and spiritual impact is profound, touching every aspect of life.
Interestingly, some believe that people may sense when death is near, while others see this as a mere coincidence. What we do know is that after death, the body begins releasing chemical compounds such as putrescine—a foul-smelling substance that humans can subconsciously detect. Researchers explain that putrescine signals a unique message, different from pheromones, and triggers an instinctual response in people.
- In a study by Wisman and Shira, when individuals were exposed to putrescine, their instinctual reaction was to move away from the area, even though they didn’t consciously associate it with death. These reactions, similar to how animals respond to danger, highlight our natural survival instincts.